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Become Trained Not Chained
The beginning of a woman’s career is exciting. It’s where she starts acquiring the foundational skills to be a leader. However, if she’s not careful it’s also the time when she’ll learn, she's expected to be and play small to get along.
The Myth of Earned Confidence
Earned confidence is a myth. The sooner women dump the baggage of it, the more professional success they’ll have.
Why Having a Mentor is Important for a Woman’s Leadership Journey
Where business success is still based on relationships and inside knowledge, having a mentor is an essential professional and life asset for women whether it’s formal or informal, or from near or afar.
The Most Important Salary Decision You’ll Ever Make
One of the most crucial career decisions you, as a burgeoning woman leader, can make at the beginning of your career is whether you will choose to discuss money—specifically, negotiating your salary.